Pathology Bites

Pathology Bites

Did You Know?

The word "malaria" comes from Italian, meaning "bad air", which people believed caused the disease


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Unordered list items

The HTML  element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list. An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default:

  • List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Integer molestie lorem at massa
  • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet

Ordered List Items

The HTML  element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with numbers by default:

  1. List Item Docly Settings Header Logo
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa
  4. Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
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